ABS PGDM Oxford Trip 2018 – Group One Presentations and Convocation

January 11, 2019

As a part of Asian Business School’s annual Oxford Study Trip, a group of 40 ABS PGDM students from PGDM 2016-18 batch visited Oxford Business College, Oxford (UK) from 21-27 November 2018 to deliver their presentations regarding comparison between Indian and UK markets based on certain marketing aspects.

As a part of the study, students in groups of 5 to 6 members each surveyed Indian market on pre decided topics. It was more of a customer behavior survey taking into consideration various aspects involved in purchase of a product or a service. After getting minor and necessary modifications done in their questionnaire, students carried out the survey in Oxford city as well so as to compare the Indian and UK markets. All the groups presented their reports in form of a presentation in front of eminent professors at Oxford Business College. Prof. David Brook as well as Prof. Thor Indridason were very happy with the content and efforts being put in by the students behind the presentations. Both of them expressed immense satisfaction at students having put in really good efforts in getting the relevant data regarding UK customers within such a short span of time.

After the presentations were done with, Convocation was held to confer upon the students the “Executive Diploma in International Business”. Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President – Asian Education Group addressed the students emphasizing upon the value that this diploma shall add in their professional career. In his speech Dr. Padmesh Gupta, Director – Oxford Business College emphasized upon the need of a Diploma in International Business, more so on account of the fact that the whole globe has been converted into a village.

At the end, on the behalf of Asian Business School and Oxford Business College, Ms. Gerry Takamura, Principal, Oxford Business College conferred upon the students the “Executive Diploma in International Business”. During her concluding remarks, she expressed her confidence in the students doing well in their professional career.