Hard Work and Smart Work

May 21, 2015

With close to 98% of the PGDM 13-15 batch already placed and working, it is important to understand what would be the expectations of the employer. While everyone is aware of the fact that one needs to work hard to reach the top, visibility at the work place also requires “Smart Work”.

In today’s working environment, competition is tough and one needs to work very hard to achieve their targets and goals. However, there is a thin line between ‘Hard Work’ and ‘Smart Work’ and equal weightage is given to both these terms. Both Hard work and Smart work require planning and assessment.

Let’s understand and learn more about ‘Hard Work’ & ‘Smart Work’:

  • Hard Work means working most of the time and putting a lot of effective work hours in order to achieve your goals. Smart Work, however, would mean that you achieve more with less. That means that you are able to complete multiple tasks without jeopardizing on the targets and goals of any task.
  • Smart Working requires you to plan ahead and strategize so as to ensure that there is optimal utilization of resources and more work is completed. It also leads to increased productivity. Hard Work without proper planning and strategy may lead to the completion of limited tasks and goals.
  • Smart work encourages out of the box thinking. It requires you to be creative and innovative in creating checklists or plans to ensure that more tasks and assignments are completed and targets and goals are achieved with a limited time frame. Hard Work may not encourage creativity as one may continuously work in the same pattern for the achievement of tasks and goals.

To be successful in your career, an accurate blend of both is required. Smart work and hard work do not replace each other. But when you work hard smartly, you are likely to achieve and complete more tasks and goals in less time. Plan and keep the focus.

We wish you all the Best!!!